// Our services

From access to relevant Agri-service providers, information & data, to financial inclusion, our system is the full package that supports farm to market processes.

  • Farmer registration
  • Gross margin analysis and production advisory
  • Farm inputs pre-booking and purchases
  • Over 7500
  • 02
  • Farm produce supply volumes and price estimations
  • Farm produce aggregation
  • Farmer support in registration and input access
  • 03
  • Input demand aggregation
  • Receive purchase bookings and orders
  • Manage input distribution and tracking
  • Peal Agro suppliers
  • Kosun
  • 04
  • Diagnosis on crop and animal diseases
  • Advisories on crop and animal husbandry
  • Quality assurance services
  • Agronomist
  • 05
  • Bundled insurance distribution
  • Track sales and commissions
  • Fortune Twiga Net

  • 06
  • Economic identities of the stakeholders based on their clearly recorded transactions
  • Generate Agro-risk scores and profiles
  • Fortune Credit
  • +
    Counties In Kenya

    To succeed, every software solution must be deeply integrated into the existing tech environment..

    Happy Customers

    To succeed, every software solution must be deeply integrated into the existing tech environment..

    // More features

    Our platform is loaded with more features

    SMS gateway

    Web Portals

    M-Pesa Integration

    Geolocation & Mapping

    Blockchain integration

    Logistics integration

    Mobile Apps

    UI/UX Design

    Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

    Dedicated Team

    Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

    // We Carry more Than Just Good Coding Skills

    Let's Build Your Website!

    // latest case studies

    Introduce Our Projects

    Software development outsourcing is just a tool to achieve business goals. But there is no way to get worthwhile results without cooperation and trust between a client company.
    // Talk to us

    Are your a smallholder farmer, an input supplier, extension service provider, insurance company, financial institution or market off-taker?

      Ready to Get Started?

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      // our clients

      We are Trusted
      by many clients countrywide

      Emilia Clarke
      Fortune Credit
      Fortune Connect is an Agri-tech solution that accesses the poorest of the poor small scale farmers access to insurance and financial credit to make them wealthier and self- supporting. Founded in 2014, Fortune Credit Limited has used the Fortune Connect Innovation to expand financial inclusion bringing on board the previously excluded small scale farmers and underbanked entrepreneurs in some 11 counties in Kenya. Considering the need to reach many clients/customers partnering with Fortune Connect has greatly helped to increase efficiency is sale of insurance and credit products and services. Through Fortune Connect we have been able to achieve more in less time, venture into new markets, improve customer services and create a competitive market.
      Emilia Clarke
      Usomi Limited
      Partnering with Usomi limited, Fortune Connect has helped to address the low intake of agricultural technologies.

      As Usomi Limited, Fortune Connect has helped us increase access to markets and product maximization.

      There is increased crop productivity, reduced impact on natural ecosystems. We are now able to increase access by smallholder and medium scale farmers to a high-quality input.

      We've been able to offer innovative solutions to move farmers beyond subsistence through sustainable commercialization.

      Emilia Clarke
      Innovagro insurance
      Fortune Connect has played a significant role in enabling us to access crop and livestock insurance in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, enabling farmers to cope with Climate change and resilience adoptability. Offering insurance products through the index-based livestock insurance (IBLI)to protect the climate related risks that vulnerable rural smallholder farmers and livestock keepers face. This has helped keep farm animals alive and productive, increase and sustain their livestock and farm productivity, not limited to getting profitable markets for their animal products. As an organization we have significantly grown, through Fortune Connect, we have gained increased premiums and gained increased profits in our organization.

      Kosun Agency
      Manager of Company
      Kosun Agency which has helped solve global problem with local solution by offering sustainable and cheap energy and fertilizer for poverty reduction and better health.

      Within the framework of the sustainable development Goals as formulated by UN, Fortune Connect has helped us reach a greater market, offer greener energy solution for a greener healthy and wealthy nation through utilization of locally available materials and resources.

      Through Fortune Connect we have been able to install more than 30 bio digesters in less than three months.